Tuesday, April 14, 2009

115: Homecoming

A "Charlie" episode.

-Ethan attacks Charlie and threatens that if they don't return Claire, he will kill one of them a day.
-Jack defeats Ethan and is ready to interrogate, but Charlie comes out of no where and shoots him.

There's a scene in this episode that absolutely defines why I'm a "skater" and not a "jater." When Kate wants to go along on the catch Ethan mission, Jack makes up excuses for her not to come, while Sawyer hands her a gun. He treats her like an equal and allows her to make her own decisions, and Jack never has.

114: Special

A "Michael/Walt" episode.
-Walt is almost attacked by a polar bear.
-Charlie reads Claire's diary in which she details a dream she had about a black rock.
-Claire comes walking out of the jungle after being missing for several days.

113: Hearts and Minds

A "Boone/Shannon" episode.

-Sayid uses a compass that seems defective. This becomes our first hint of the electromagnetism properties of the island.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

112: Whatever the Case May Be

A "Kate" episode.

-Kate tells Jack she killed the man she loved.

111: All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

A "Jack" episode.

-Ethan threatens Jack for following him after he took Claire and Charlie.
-Locke and Boone discover steel under the jungle floor.

-After being rescued, Charlie says, "They were after Claire all along."

Friday, April 10, 2009

110: Raised by Another

A "Claire" episode.

-Sayid gets back to the cave and tells Jack that they are not alone on the island.
-Hurley discovers Ethan is not listed in the manifest.

-Hurley is not concerned that "Sawyer" is not listed in the manifest.

-A psychic tells Claire her baby must not be raised by another.

109: Solitary

A "Sayid" episode.

-Sayid discovers an electric cable and follows it.
-Sayid is captured by Rousseau.
-First appearance of Ethan.
-First mention of "The Others."
-Rousseau mentions whispers in the jungle.

-Hurley builds a golf course that entertains everyone.

-When Sayid asks about the monster, Rousseau says, "There's no such thing as monsters."

-Sayid runs through the jungle and then hears the whispers.

108: Confidence Man

A "Sawyer" episode.

-We learn about Sayid's torturing talents.
-Sawyer cons Kate into kissing him, believing he has Shannon's asthma medication.
-Kate realizes "Sawyer" is just an alias.

107: The Moth

A "Charlie" episode.

Nothing too significant about this episode in the grand scheme of Island mysteries, but I really like the metaphor Locke gives Charlie about the moth and struggling.

"You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging its way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it -- take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But it would be too weak to survive. Struggle is nature's way of strengthening it."

Then the theme reoccurs visually as Charlie digs to get out of the cave. He reaches one single hand through the dirt, just like the moth emerging from the cocoon.

Of course Locke was actually trying to encourage Charlie to be strong against his heroin addiction which he eventually overcomes.


-Sayid is hit in the back of the head while working on the transmitter.

106: House of the Rising Sun

A "Sun/Jin" episode.

-It is revealed that Sun can speak English, but hides it from her husband.
-Some of the survivors move to the caves.
-To Jack's suprise, Kate chooses the beach saying, "I don't want to be Eve."

-(possible) Jack finds two dead bodies in the cave. One has a pouch containing two stones, one black and one white.

105: White Rabbit

A "Jack" episode.

-Jack continues to see his father mysteriously walking around the Island.
-Jack finds the cave with drinkable water.
-Jack gives his famous "live together or die alone" speech.

-When Jack opens his father's coffin, he finds it empty.
-Locke says the island is "special," and that "everything that happens is for a reason." Then he says, "I looked into the eye of the island and what I saw was beautiful."

104: Walkabout

A "Locke" Episode.

-It is revealed that John Locke was in a wheelchair before crashing on the Island.
-Jack sees a man in a suit standing in the ocean.

-Although not shown, it is now obvious Locke was confronted by the smoke monster while hunting for boars, thus supporting his connection with the Island. (He says in a later episode it is beautiful.)

103: Tabula Rasa

A "Kate" Episode

-Kate eats the bacon given to her by Ray, but in the next episode she says she's a vegetarian.
-A Patsy Cline song(Leavin On Your Mind) is featured in the Kate flashback. She also listens to her again in season 4.

102: Pilot, Part Two

-The survivors discover R0usseau's transmission that says, "I'm alone now, on the island alone. Please someone come. The others are dead. It killed them. It killed them all," which has been running for 16 years and 5 months.
-A polar bear charges the survivors, but Sawyer shoots and kills it.

-Why doesn't the polar bear have a dharma collar like the one Charlotte found in Tansinia?

101: Pilot, Part One

-The smoke monster is heard at night. Kate later says she saw smoke, but believes it to be from another part of the plane.
-Kate, Jack, and Charlie find the cockpit and have the second encounter with the monster when it kills the pilot.